The Mission of Marcus Curtis Music
I know some people have questions about this website. A few years back I secured the domain name marcuscurtismusic.com. The objective of Marcus Curtis Music was to create a website that would allow me to promote and share my music with the world. Somewhere along the line, I decided to change the goal of my website. Instead of promoting my music, I decided to make a site that would help independent musicians. This website would also serve those who play the guitar and record music as a hobby.
The idea was to create a place where musicians could come and tap into resources and tools that would fit their needs and help them attain their goals. All of this would be provided for free. As I thought about the types of things beginning, intermediate and advanced musicians would want I quickly formed a list of tools ranging from free guitar lessons to free software. I came up with a plan to aid those musicians who wanted more basic information about the recording process, marketing themselves, how to record music on their own personal computer, and where to get the tools to improve the recordings they make. In addition to providing this information I wanted to share the recording tips and guitar playing tips I found useful in my 35 years of making music. So this website became less about me and more about the communities of independent musicians and hobbyists.
The mission and purpose of this site are to provide musicians with the tools they need to succeed in music and to take their music to the next level. Whether it be for pleasure, making money playing gigs, or even marketing and making money with music. You should find some useful information here. Even if you are just making music as a hobby, it is my hope that this site can assist you in your goals.
I started this site in 2010. I developed it in 2012 adding guitar lesson videos and free guitar lessons. In August of 2014, I went to a new server and redesigned the entire site from the ground up adding a host of new tools. I have several projects slatted that will introduce new features and tools for this site. Useful things will be added and updated as these projects are completed.