March 23, 2025

Marcus Curtis Music

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Free Guitar Lessons

Welcome To Advanced Guitar Lessons

Advanced Guitar Lessons is a set of free guitar lessons that I made which include a collection of video, PDF charts, and backing tracks. This collection of backing tracks are free to download. Lesson sheets aka PDF charts are also available and they go along with the videos. These Lesson sheets can be downloaded or printed. Once these lesson sheets are printed just place them on your music stand.

This curriculum is free and nothing is required to take the lessons. You may want to subscribe so You will know when new lessons are available. No account is required or needed. Here is a brief description of each series.

Guitar Chord Guide Beginner

This set of free guitar lessons targets beginner and intermediate players. The Guide will explain how chords get their names. If you’re a beginner or an intermediate player it will greatly expand your chord knowledge and provide a basic understanding of music theory as it relates to chords. There is a video series that will teach you how to play bar chords.

Guitar Chord Guide Advanced

This is for intermediate to more advanced players. This set of free guitar lessons picks up where the Beginner guide leaves off. These chords are more advanced. Learn how to play chords like major add 9, minor add 9, suspended 4th, suspended 2nd, dominant 9, Major 9 and minor 9 chords.  You will also learn the theory behind these chords. This level contains lesson sheets in PDF. Just Print them out and place them on your music stand. This level will greatly expand your chord knowledge. Advanced Guitar Level 3 will pick up where this Advanced Guide leaves off.

Guitar Scale Guide Beginner

This section is for intermediate players. Maybe you have some basic chord skills and you want to learn how to create your own guitar solos. You want to learn how to improvise. Then this section is for you. We start off by teaching you the basics of the major and minor scale formulas. The Guitar Scale Guide will help you understand basic scale theory. The video series covers the Natural Minor scale patterns in detail. There are a few PDF Scale charts for you to print off and place on your music stand.

 Guitar Scale Guide Advanced

This section is for intermediate to advanced guitar players. It picks up where the Beginner guide leaves off. In this level, you will learn about Transposing scale patterns to different keys. You will also learn about Major Scales. In addition to this, you will learn about Pentatonic Scales, Blues Scales, Harmonic Minor Scales, and Melodic Minor Scales. There are backing tracks included so you can try these scale patterns out in different keys. The scale formulas for every scale is also included. There are also plenty of scale charts in PDF for you to print or download. In addition to this, we learn about bending notes and speed techniques.

Backing Track For Scales

This section is a collection of backing tracks that are designed to go with the Guitar Scale Guide series. These songs will help you learn how to transpose the scale patterns you learn into other keys. More songs are being recorded and added.

Advanced Guitar Lessons Level 1

The first two levels of Advanced Guitar Lessons covers some pretty cool guitar tricks. I made a video to show you just a few of the things these two levels cover

This section is for intermediate to advanced players. This video series will cover 7 different ways to get a harmonic out of a guitar. It will explain in detail how harmonics work and what harmonics are. We will talk about ways to insert harmonics into your compositions. Harmonics bring forth an incredible sound and when you add them to your skill set they can really add a great deal of beauty to your music.

Advanced Guitar Lessons Level 2

This Section is for intermediate to advanced guitar players. Advanced Guitar Lessons level 2 Covers two-handed tap tricks. Some of these are basic and some of these are hard. we start off with the simple ones and slowly build our skill level. Some of these are well-known while there are some that I have not seen anyone do. They are all laid out here with simple instruction and they are slowed way down so you can learn every note in detail.

Advanced Guitar Lessons Level 3

This section is for, intermediate and advanced guitar players. Advanced Guitar Lessons level 3 explains how to apply music theory to guitar. We learn about scale formulas and we learn how to build chords from the root note. These are just some of the topics covered. This theoretical knowledge is crucial for composition analysis and for expanding your skill set. knowing why and how chords are formed will really help when you begin to explore alternate tunings. It will also help you if you like to write music.

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